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Yield of the main crops by region

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1 000 ha, kg/ha, million kg
OSF: Natural Resources Institute Finland, Crop production statistics
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1999 , 2000 , 2001 ,

Selected 1 of total 25

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.WHOLE COUNTRY , Uusimaa , Varsinais-Suomi ,

Selected 0 of total 20


Selected 0 of total 4


Selected 0 of total 3

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Wheat total 1) , .Winter wheat , .Spring wheat ,

Selected 0 of total 47

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(maximum number allowed is 10,000,000)

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Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 10,000,000
The table use the regional division of each statistical year. Latest year: provisional value. Data for 2022 were corrected on24 November 2023. While the adjustment concerns nearly all crops included in the statistics, its impact is relatively small. Total crop-specific yields in the whole country have been adjusted to be 0-6.3 per cent smaller.


Harvested area (1 000 ha)

Until year 2015: Calculated by deducting the (unharvested) totally damaged area from the cultivation area. Since year 2016: estimated harvested area.

Yield potential (kg/ha)

Yield potential means the yield of a crop per hectare which at most 10% of farms in the region can achieve during the growing season. The yield potential is calculated separately for organic and regular crop production.


Wheat total 1)

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.

.Winter wheat

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2021.

.Spring wheat

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.


Excl. cereals harvested green.


Incl. winter- and spring rye.
Excl. cereals harvested green since 2021.

Barley total

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.

.Feed barley

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.

.Winter barley

Excl. cereals harvested green.


Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.

Mixed crops, total

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.

.Mixed crops (cereals)

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.

.Mixed crops (legumes + cereal)

Incl. mixed crops: protein crops and cereals.

..Winter turnip rape

Includes winter rape in 2015 -2021.


The area sown during the harvest year has been deducted.

.Other potatoes

Seed potatoes and other potatoes.


Excl. harvest as silage since 2017.

Broad bean

Excl. harvest as silage since 2017.

Silage, total

Incl. 1st harvest's area and total yield.

.Prewilted silage

Incl. 1st harvest's area and total yield.

.Silage, fresh

Incl. 1st harvest's area and total yield.

Green fodder

Incl. 1st harvest's area and total yield.

Cereals harvested green, total

Includes wholecrop as green and preserved moist cereal grains in 2007-2021 from crop groups: spring wheat, feed barley, oats and mixed crops. Starting in 2021, additionally includes crop groups winter wheat and rye. Starting in 2022, additionally includes crop groups: triticale and winter barley.

.Wholecrop as green

Includes wholecrop as green 2007-2021 from crop groups: spring wheat, feed barley, oats and mixed crops. Starting in 2021, additionally includes crop groups winter wheat and rye. Starting in 2022, additionally includes crop groups: triticale and winter barley.

.Preserved moist cereal grains

Includes preserved moist cereal grains 2007-2021 from crop groups: spring wheat, feed barley, oats and mixed crops. Starting in 2021, additionally includes crop groups winter wheat and rye. Starting in 2022, additionally includes crop groups: triticale and winter barley.