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Crop production forecast by Year, Time, Variable and Crop

Table: Crop production forecast



1 000 ha, kg/ha, million kg
OSF: Natural Resources Institute Finland, Crop production statistics
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Crop production forecast by Year, Time, Variable and Crop

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 Wheat total.Winter wheat.Spring wheat
2023Estimate 1Yield (million kg)787.7277.5510.2
Harvested area* (1 000 ha)237.267.0170.3
Yield per hectare (kg/ha)3,3204,1403,000
Estimate 2Yield (million kg)767.9273.4494.5
Harvested area* (1 000 ha)237.267.0170.3
Yield per hectare (kg/ha)3,2404,0802,900
FinalYield (million kg)740.4282.4458.0
Harvested area* (1 000 ha)229.265.9163.2
Yield per hectare (kg/ha)3,2304,2802,810
Data for 2022 were corrected on24 November 2023. While the adjustment concerns nearly all crops included in the statistics, its impact is relatively small. Total crop-specific yields in the whole country have been adjusted to be 0-6.3 per cent smaller.


Estimate 1

The harvest estimate day in 2003-2021 Monday, which is closest to 15 July - From 2022 onwards, the first Monday closest to 15.8.

Estimate 2

The harvest date in 2003-2016 and 2018-2021 Monday, which is closest to 25 August. - In 2017, the estimate day was 18 September. - Starting in 2022, the first Monday closest to 20 September.


Harvested area* (1 000 ha)

Final: Until year 2015: Calculated by deducting the (unharvested) totally damaged area from the cultivation area. Since year 2016: estimated harvested area. Estimate 1 and 2: Utilised Agricultural Area, preliminary data.


Wheat total

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.

.Winter wheat

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2021.

.Spring wheat

Excl. cereals harvested green since 2007.
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